Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wednesday March 20,2012

 Do you ever say you don't care but then the truth is hurting deep down inside? I have! My friend is going out with this boy that I use to like. She does everything me and him used to do when I really liked him. She tells me the stuff they do and I make it seem like I'm happy for her but I'm really not. In the inside I wish I was that girl that is able to be called his girlfriend and I am able to call him my boyfriend. I guess us girls always believe in fairy-tale stories but it wines up that our fairy-tale stories never have that "happy ending" we want it to. Sometimes I think, why  can't boys think like girls, but then that would be creepy because they wouldn't be a boy or girl, they would be a shemale. Sometimes I think that love never exist. Its like once a person says " I love you", the relationship goes downhill. Why is there a such thing as love but it never seems to exist?

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